
A complete training schedule including venues (locations) and dates will be released for 2024.

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Integrating IoT in Asset Lifecycle Management: A Guide

5 Essential Tips for Efficient Asset Management in Modern Companies

Invoice and Payment details

Invoice and Payment details

Billing support email

  • Products: Invoicing is generated in advance of services & invoiced separately at each renewal year
  • Solutions: Consulting invoices are generated after the services have been provided, tDot reserves the right on occasion to require payment (staged payment) for large projects. 
  • Copies of time sheets are provided where required contractually or where required by law.

Each invoice will contain.

  • Tax Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • PO Number
  • Payment Terms
  • Payment Instructions
  • Due Date
  • Bill To/Ship To Customer name and addresses
  • End User
  • Line item descriptions
  • Extended price
  • GST
  • Support period, including Contract Start and End Dates and/or Billing Start and End Dates (depending on country)